The future of the left since 1884

The Shape of Things to Come: The Shape of Things to Come

Labour in 2012 will also be shaped by the particular politics and personality of Ed Miliband. Since becoming Labour leader Ed Miliband has successfully opened several new national political debates, from the ‘squeezed middle’ to ‘responsible capitalism’ and concern about diminishing opportunities for the rising generation. These essays explore where this politics could take Labour – and there is a striking coherence, radicalism and optimism about the future they see.


  • The Shape of Things to Come
  • By John Denham
  • Published 27 June 2012

Labour’s New Thinking

After the 1970s it was inevitable that the Conservative party would move away from the postwar consensus, but it was Margaret Thatcher who made it Thatcherite. In the 1990s Labour was bound to be centrist; but Blair and Brown gave New Labour its distinctive shape.

After the banking crisis Labour was bound to reflect a public mood more critical of neo-liberal economics, and less confident about big state spending, but Labour in 2012 will also be shaped by the particular politics and personality of Ed Miliband.

Since becoming Labour leader Ed Miliband has successfully opened several new national political debates, from the ‘squeezed middle’ to ‘responsible capitalism’ and concern about diminishing opportunities for the rising generation.

These essays explore where this politics could take Labour – and there is a striking coherence, radicalism and optimism about the future they see.

You can now read the whole publication online, or read individual chapters from our contributors. (PDF links)

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John Denham

John Denham is the director of the Centre for English Identity and Politics, and Southern Policy Centre. He was formerly Labour MP for Southampton Itchen (1992-2015) and Parliamentary Private Secretary to Ed Miliband.


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