The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

Is the future plural?

16 August 2012

This year the Fabian Society, Centre: Forum and the Electoral Reform Society will be hosting a public event at both Labour Party conference and Liberal Democrat Conference entitled  'Politics: Is the future plural?'. Featuring John Denham, Jo Swinson, Caroline Flint, Mary...

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Why we need a veterans champion in every area

14 August 2012

When my local MP Hazel Blears asked me what I thought the government should do to better help veterans and those leaving the armed forces my first thought was education. Going to university was, for me, the best thing I...

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Media matters

9 August 2012

The media and creative arts are now a huge part of the UK and international economy. In this country they account for over 2.5 per cent of GDP and millions of jobs. Huge conglomerates bestride the globe: Vodafone’s market capitalisation...

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A tax on fat, sugar and salt

8 August 2012

The next Labour government will face very tough decisions on tax and spending because of the Cameron/Osborne austerity disaster. Raising the overall tax burden at all will be politically difficult and is likely to be economically unwise. Yet the cost of...

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Has Salmond lost his touch?

1 August 2012

Time was when 'young Alex' could do no wrong. His mastery of the media north and south of the border was undisputed. His political canniness outwitted all-comers at FMQs. And SNP electoral strategy was required reading for politicos of all...

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Reforming the housing market: a landlord’s view

31 July 2012

I have been a landlord. From this experience, I have learnt that the property rental market is very sensitive to changes in supply and demand. Sadiq Khan's Tooting may be an area of housing stress, as he set out on Fabian...

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