The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

A united team

23 May 2017

I’m lucky enough to live in a safe Labour constituency, Poplar and Limehouse.  I’ve spent some time this election on what I call “comfort canvassing” in Tower Hamlets, to show appreciation to our voters, and give myself a boost. Living...

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Germany’s social democrats

18 May 2017

After Martin Schulz became leader of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and was nominated as its candidate for the German chancellery, it looked like a political myth had finally been proved wrong. Up until the nomination of Schulz in Spring...

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Our mental health

18 May 2017

Apparently, Jeremy Corbyn has a wooden elephant sculpture in his office which he points at whenever people avoid talking about the most pressing issue. Before turning to Labour’s mental health policy, I am going to take Jeremy’s lead and mention the...

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Transforming the country

16 May 2017

‘May you live in interesting times’ as the phrase says. Well few would dispute the fact that we have, ever since the exit poll on the night of the 2015 General Election which pointed to our worst fears - that...

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The age election

15 May 2017

The 2017 election could mark an unprecedented and remarkable divergence in the way different age groups vote. If the opinion polls are anything like accurate, the expected Conservative victory will be almost entirely the responsibility of voters over the age...

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A secure and global Britain

15 May 2017

The Conservatives have nothing to say on foreign policy other than parroted lines on Brexit. Theresa May’s ‘strong and stable’ general election mantra means nothing and reveals a lack of policies or vision for Britain’s place in the world. Labour...

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