The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


The rural paradox

4 June 2018

TOBIAS PHIBBS: Labour must offer hope for those who love living in the countryside but struggle with the realities of rural life.

Continue Reading Rural

Double vision

31 May 2018

ALAN WHITEHEAD MP: A Labour government would look both outwards and inwards to tackle climate change.

Continue Reading Energy
Book review

Courage then and courage now

29 May 2018

MEGAN CORTON SCOTT finds resonances in a sprawling chronicle of the women who fought for the right to vote.

Continue Reading Women

No more excuses

24 May 2018

EMMA DENT COAD MP: The Grenfell inquiry is underway. The eventual report and any recommendations must be uncompromising – and implemented without delay.

Continue Reading Housing / Inequality

Held to account

22 May 2018

EMMA HARDY MP: The current set-up, with its focus on centralised – and often arbitrary – targets, is distorting our whole educational system.

Continue Reading Education
Long read

Restless Pursuit

21 May 2018

DAVID BETZ: How scared should we be?

Continue Reading Defence / International relations / Security

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