Research, policy, comment and analysis from our latest publications. Browse through our back catalogue or search for a report or pamphlet.
More than passengers
Transport provides a prime opportunity for a reforming Labour government to put its rhetoric into practice, devolving power and trusting citizens. The result should be transport policy that more accurately reflects both the needs and wishes of Britons.
By Marcus Roberts
November 2014
Labour's Local Offer
This collection explores the options for taking power from Westminster and
Whitehall and putting it back into communities where it belongs. With an introduction by Lisa Nandy.
November 2014
Going public
Our public services can deliver value while retaining a strong public character.
By Andrew Harrop with Robert Tinker
November 2014
Riding the New Wave
Labour is the party of social justice, equality and tolerance. How can it retain its relevance to a new generation of feminists?
Edited by Anya Pearson and Rosie Rogers
October 2014
Revolt on the Left
Labour's answer to the UKIP challenge must engage on matters of policy, message and organisation alike.
By Marcus Roberts, incorporating research from Rob Ford and Ian Warren
October 2014
Autumn 2014
How the next Labour manifesto can reshape Britain. Andrew Harrop writes on Labour’s new statecraft and Margaret Hodge MP and Dan Jarvis MP comment on the challenges facing a new generation of Labour MPs PLUS Mary Riddell speaks to Jim Murphy MP.
Download nowA Convenient Truth
Politics can provide us with a different future and the transition to environmental sustainability is not only within our grasp, but will be better for all of us.
By Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett
September 2014
Silent Majority
New social housing in the UK is a popular idea, as this research shows.
By Natan Doron and Robert Tinker.
September 2014
Summer 2014
The Fabian Review examines the Treasury’s dominant position in UK policymaking and outlines reforms to help make progressive promises a reality with Dan Corry, Colin Thain, Giles Wilkes, Stian Westlake, Christine Berry and others. Keir Starmer and Francesca Klug defend the human rights act and Mary Riddell interviews Labour rising star Lisa Nandy.
Download nowLetting in the Light
Labour's police and crime commissioners have worked hard to get the most benefit for the public from the role, even as funding for police and community safety has been cut. Here they set out their experiences.
Edited by Vera Baird
August 2014
Europe was the future once
All the traditional arguments for Europe have been turned on their heads. This pamphlet sets out a new strategy to reinvent the pro-European cause.
By Mark Leonard
August 2014
The politics of rebuilding Britain
By listening to the needs of local people and gradually earning their trust, a new and genuine partnership can be built between the private sector, the state and local communities.
By Marcus Roberts
August 2014
Labour's Fightback
The policies recommended in this report form a radical manifesto for the left, although one still bound by fiscal and economic reality.
By Andrew Harrop
June 2014
Labour's Next Majority
The national political picture matters hugely, but never underestimate the importance of well-organised local campaigns in affecting the result of a constituency election. This is a step by step guide to running a scientifically targeted and organised campaign.
By Marcus Roberts, with a foreword by Sadiq Khan
June 2014
Pride of Place
Instead of focusing on the abstract and transnational in environmental politics, we need to build out from people’s pride in their sense of place. People need to be able to see the change they wish there to be in the world.
By Natan Doron and Ed Wallis
June 2014
Spring 2014
Could a new wave of Conservative modernisation sink Labour?
The Fabian Review investigates emerging Tory trends, with Paul Goodman, Rob Halfon MP, Isabel Hardman, Kirsty McNeill, Tim Montgomerie, Duncan O’Leary and Laura Sandys MP PLUS Mary Riddell speaks to Lord Ashcroft.
Back to Earth
The left has a special stake in ensuring faith in politics endures. Power needs to be felt at a local level before people will feel that they have a stake nationally.
Edited by Ania Skrzypek-Claassens and Ed Wallis
April 2014
Campaigning is continuous, faster, online and more democratic - and people-to-people engagement is more important than ever.
Edited by Marcus Roberts
April 2014
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