The future of the left since 1884


Research, policy, comment and analysis from our latest publications. Browse through our back catalogue or search for a report or pamphlet.

Measure for measure

Economic indicators for a fair and prosperous society

These proposed measures are not ends in themselves, but means to delivering the resources and capabilities people need to lead a good life. If the aim is to achieve major structural change to the economy, we should state clearly, in numbers, what types of shifts matter and what degree of change might constitute success.
By Andrew Harrop and Robert Tinker.
March 2014

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How Labour can change Britain

Ten priorities for a future government

Exploring some of the key ideas - from the economy to climate change and from education to housing - that could transform Britain for the better.
Edited by Anya Pearson
March 2014

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Within Reach

The new politics of multiple needs and exclusions

How can we create the change for the most vulnerable in our society? This collection showcases ideas about how to support people with multiple needs.
Edited by Oliver Hilbery and Ed Wallis
March 2014

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One Nation in the World

A new foreign policy for the left

New realities can offer new possibilities. This collection explores the choices, strategy and values that can guide the next Labour government.
Edited by Marcus Roberts and Ulrich Storck
February 2014

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Winter 2013

Fabian Review

In our final edition of 2013, the Fabian Review looks at the year ahead for Labour and assesses why 2014 might be the last chance for Labour's radicals to assert themselves ahead of the general election with contributions from Sunder Katwala, Emma Burnell and a number of MPs commenting on what Labour's focus for the next year should be.

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Green Europe

Reconciling the local and the global

Many environmental problems need international solutions. This report argues that governments and environmental campaigners have to spend more time thinking through how communities hear about and experience environmental and European policy at a very local level.
By Natan Doron
December 2013

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Our London

The capital beyond 2015

London doesn't need to be a tale of two cities. This collection brings together contributors to consider how the divides in our capital can be bridged.
Edited by Sadiq Khan
December 2013

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The Real Life State

Putting dignity at the heart of our public services

We can strengthen our political discussion by understanding the moral passions that drive us and articulating them more clearly than we do now. Knowing what we stand for helps us communicate with those whose support we need - and will help us deliver for them once we've won.
By Alison McGovern MP
November 2013

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The change Labour still needs

Barack Obama changed the rules of politics. Now Labour must do the same. Obama 2012 is the model for building an organisation based around a singular focus on winning.
Edited by Marcus Roberts
November 2013

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Here Today

The uncertain future of the Post Office network

The privatisation of Royal Mail now makes a consideration of the long-term future of both the Post Office network and Royal Mail an urgent priority. The government should therefore prioritise plans to use the Post Office to provide a greater number of services.
By Natan Doron
November 2013

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2030 Vision

The final report of the Fabian Society Commission on Future Spending Choices

The report looks at spending pressures over the next two decades and how government might respond and also makes recommendations about how to improve the process, planning, and effectiveness of public spending.
October 2013

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Autumn 2013

Fabian Review

In our 2013 conference edition, the Fabian Review profiles 'Labour's Next Majority', electoral analysis from Deputy General Secretary Marcus Roberts who highlights the importance of Lib Dem switchers, new and non voters and a sliver of Conservatives to 'Miliband's Majority'.

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The Road to Full Employment

How we rebuild social security for 21st century Britain

This pamphlet pulls together ideas from all over Britain about how we rebuild a country of full employment - ideas based on Labour values.
By Liam Byrne MP
September 2013

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Labour's Next Majority

The 40% strategy

The combination of the recession and the coalition government has opened up new pools of prospective voters for Labour, particularly former Liberal Democrats and new voters (including first-time voters and voters who did not vote in 2010).
By Marcus Roberts
September 2013

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All of our Business

Building better relationships between government and industry

This collection reveals new YouGov polling on the economy and business and explores ideas to build a much closer relationship between government and industry.
Edited by Anya Pearson and Ed Wallis
September 2013

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Reflection and Renewal

Where next for the left in Israel?

This report seeks to broaden and deepen the British Labour party’s understanding of the political context in Israel and, in particular, the challenges and opportunities currently faced by the political left. It hopes to better develop the kind of shared political understanding and analysis that helps parties of the left win power across the globe.
Edited by Natan Doron and Sofie Jenkinson
July 2013

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A Presumption of Equality

The changing face of old age and what it means for fairness

Politicians should adopt a ‘presumption of equality’ between age groups. Policies should not be designed on the assumption that age is a good proxy for low income; instead older people should only receive special treatment when there is a clear rationale and evidence.
By Andrew Harrop.
July 2013

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Summer 2013

Fabian Review

The summer Fabian Review features new research on growing inequality and highlights why Labour needs to rediscover its egalitarian core. With Howard Reed on why the coalition's benefit reforms are a speeded-up version of Thatcherism; Kate Bell on the arguments for investing in childhood; Andrew Simms asks 'do we want to grow forever?' and Mary Riddell speaks to Arnie Graf, the influential adviser to Ed Miliband on Labour's community-organising revolution.

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